Community Meeting (MSP-O-111420)

11/14/2020 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


Join the Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul Community Meeting!

Please join a virtual Tergar MSP community meeting on Saturday, November 14 from 10 AM - Noon CDT. We will discuss what has been happening in our local community in this time of COVID-19, how we might connect with one another more effectively, and how we envision meeting community needs in the coming months. With the ongoing distancing constraints of the pandemic as we head into winter, the Steering Committee and Practice Leaders feel that this is an important time for us to come together as a group. For some parts of the meeting, we will be together (virtually), and for some parts we will use breakout rooms for in-depth conversation. All are welcome, whether you are a long-time or new community member, and whether you reside in the MSP metro, in Greater MN, Wisconsin, or further away.


Please RSVP to receive the Zoom link and so that we can know how many to expect. You will receive the Zoom link by email the day before the event.


Sunday, November 14, 2020
10:00 a.m. - Noon

Online: Zoom
