Community Potluck (MSP-O-102419a)

10/24/2019 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM CT


Community Potmacro shot of vegetable lotluck: Prior to Movie Night

Join Tergar Minneapolis-St. Paul for a potluck on Thursday, October 24, 6-7 PM. All community members are invited, whether new to Tergar or long-time affiliates, as are family members and partners. Bring your favorite dish or snack to share. Beverages, plates, utensils, etc. are provided.

This is a great way to deepen existing friendships and build new relationships, which can also support our meditation practice. Come just for the potluck, or stay on through the Movie Night. Tergar will be showing the movie Walk with Me at 7 p.m.

Registration is not required, but appreciated for planning purposes. Thank you.

Date/Time: Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 6-7 p.m.

This event is freely offered by the Tergar community. We are deeply grateful to our community members, who generously offer their time, energy, and financial contributions to make this possible.

Please consider adding a tax-deductible donation to your registration. Your generosity allows us to offer programs like this more widely.

Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul
1621 E Hennepin Ave, Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55414
