Deepening the Conversation on Buddhism and Social Change (MSP-O-092119b)

09/21/2019 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM CT


Hands, Macro, Plant, Soil, Grow, Life

Deepening the Conversation: Follow-up to the Community Conversation on Buddhism and Social Change - with Myoshin Kelley and Edwin Kelley

We would like to continue the dialogue we began as a community on Buddhism and social change/justice on August 18th. This follow-up conversation is an opportunity to flesh out the ways we draw on the support of our Buddhist practice as we enter into the arena of social change & justice. It will also be an opportunity to examine the shadow side of Buddhist practices that might reinforce our ignorance. You do not need to have attended the first program to come to this.

Registration is not required, but appreciated for planning purposes. Thank you.

Date/Time: Saturday, September 21, 1:00-3:00pm

This course is freely offered by the Tergar community. We are deeply grateful to our community members, who generously offer their time, energy, and financial contributions to make this possible.

Please consider adding a tax-deductible donation to your registration. Your generosity allows us to offer programs like this more widely.

Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul
1621 E Hennepin Ave, Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55414
