Devotion: Inspiring Your Meditation Practice - Public Talk with Edwin Kelley (MSP-O-101019)

10/10/2019 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


Incense, Glow, Candle, Burn, Religion, Light, Fire

Devotion: Inspiring Your Meditation Practice - Public Talk with Edwin Kelley

Devotion is central to Buddhist practice, and it can take many forms, such as a commitment to religious observances, an object, a person, or a deity. Many of these practices may at first be hard to understand. We may question; what is the relationship between devotion and meditation? As we develop the capacity to recognize the natural expression of our own innate nature, we also begin to see it in others. Our hearts and minds begin to open, and the barriers between self and other begin to soften. As a river longs to become one with the ocean, we long for interconnection. When we begin to experience this, there is a natural gratitude and appreciation that brings a devotional confidence to our practice. This arising devotion becomes essential to enriching our practice in our everyday lives.  

These evenings include a period of meditation, a time to share informally with the community, a short talk by Instructor Edwin Kelley and a period of open discussion on how we are working with these aspects of our lives. The evening is open to all, beginners and experienced meditators alike, and is a great opportunity for us to delve deeper as a community into the richness of bringing meditation into our everyday lives.

Registration is not required, but appreciated for planning purposes. Thank You.

Date/Time: Thursday, October 10, 2019 - 7-8:30 p.m.

This course is freely offered by the Tergar community. We are deeply grateful to our community members, who generously offer their time, energy, and financial contributions to make this possible.

Please consider adding a tax-deductible donation to your registration. Your generosity allows us to offer programs like this more widely.

Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul
1621 E Hennepin Ave, Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55414
