Lineage: The Living Stream of Teachings and Practice-Public Talk (MSP-O-101818)

10/18/2018 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


Lineage: The Living Stream of Teachings and Practice

Although our practice can seem very personal and unfold in unique ways, there is a long history of people in their lives who want to be happy and free from suffering and help benefit others. Through their own practice they have been able to free their minds from self created prisons. These beings add to a great legacy of teachings that are available to us that are tried and true.During this talk we will look at where the teachings and practices that Mingyur Rinpoche offers come from and how they intersect with our own distinctive conditions.

About the Instructor:

Myoshin Kelley attended her first meditation retreat in 1975 at the age of 20. Through the ensuing years she has received dharma instructions from several renowned Buddhist meditation masters in the Theravada, Zen, and Vajrayana traditions. In 1994 she accompanied her husband, Edwin, to the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, MA, where she was trained as a meditation instructor by Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzburg. Myoshin was introduced to Vajrayana teachings in 1993 and met Mingyur Rinpoche in 1998. Since then she has practiced with Mingyur Rinpoche in North America and Asia benefiting from his skillful, lucid instructions on the profound teachings of Mahamudra. She moved to Minneapolis in 2010 to help support Mingyur Rinpoche in his worldwide vision and leads programs internationally and locally.